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An Inside look at the 2012 Best of Category Winner - EXTRACTABLE - GoPro Hero3 - Online Ads

In this "inside look" we will feature an interview with Chief Creative Officer, Scott Briskman of EXTRACTABLE from San Francisco, California. Scott answers our questions about the 2012 Best of Category winning project "GoPro Hero3" entered in the Advertising / Online Ads category. You can learn more about EXTRACTABLE by visiting their website at www.Extractable.com

First and foremost, the Horizon Interactive Awards would like to congratulate you and the EXTRACTABLE team on your 2012 Best of Category win for the Advertising - Online Ads produced for GoPro Hero3. Scott, thank you for joining us in this interview.

Scott: My pleasure. Thank you for setting this up.

HIA: So tell us a little about your agency, EXTRACTABLE. Talk a little about the size of the agency, client sectors and some overall background.

Scott: Extractable is a special place. We are a passionate group, about 50 people strong, focused on developing amazing digital creative. We believe you have to do more than great UX, creative, media, technology and analytics to achieve success.  You have to be great with data so you can blend art and science in new ways.  Extractable has pioneered this approach. We call it data-driven design. The entire gang here shares a desire to find new ways to use data-driven design to solve our client’s marketing and business challenges. So far its yielded some great fruit for our clients and for us.

HIA: While we love our Go Pro Hero 3 at the Horizon Awards, talk about the overall strategy and campaign that was designed to help raise awareness of the product brand and the new products specifically.

Scott: The HERO3 is really great. It captures stunning content anywhere in the world. Our clients over at GoPro made a brilliant move… they put this new product in the hands of athletes all around the world who in turn are generating really interesting content. With this online campaign, we wanted to do two things for the launch:

  1. Show off the device and it’s features as well as
  2. Deliver the real content - 100% shot using the camera – as further validation of the marketing message.  

HIA: Was the campaign successful and why?  Did it meet the client expectations?

Scott: Absolutely, the campaign delivered some great results. It was global, and really well received.  It delivered over 116M impressions around the world, the CRTs exceeded industry benchmarks by 300% and there was a 120% increase in site visitors to GoPro.com (MoM). The brand and campaign is awesome and we’re happy to have been a part of it.

HIA: What were the biggest challenges that you had to overcome during the planning and implementation phases of this project?

Scott: We worked very closely with the GoPro team to make sure that EVERY image and EVERY frame in the video looked crisp. As I mentioned earlier, the quality of the content that came from the camera was a direct reflection on the brand and on our advertising message. We had to counterbalance this with the reality of having to compress the advertising creative to meet the required file-size limits. It was a fun and challenging hurdle, which we as a team (GoPro, Carat and Extractable) collaboratively cleared.

HIA: Talk a little about the team that was assembled to work on the project.

Scott: We are lucky to get to work with the talented people over at GoPro. They had their eye on the whole enchilada…  all the marketing channels and of course getting the product to market.  Carat handled the media planning and buying.  Extractable handled the creative for the digital advertising campaign. Our team consisted of Creative Directors, Art Directors, Designers and Flash Animators/Developers.

HIA: So, where do you/your team turn for inspiration?

Scott: How much time do we have? I could go on for hours with this one… For this campaign the product was THE inspiration. We focused on doing the best we could to create advertising that allowed GoPro to show the HERO3 in the best light possible.

HIA: What does it mean to win the Horizon Interactive Award, both for your agency, team members and client?

Scott: We’re all honored. It’s nice to get a pat on the back from your peers once and while. 

HIA:  Do you have anything else you would like to add to our interview?

Scott: Just a thanks to all the judges and to you guys from all of us at Extractable.  See you all next year.

HIA: Thank you again for taking the time to be a part of this interview.  We have enjoyed sharing more information about the great work you all produce and look forward to having you back in the 2013 competition. Best of luck to you now and down the road!